Monday, December 19, 2011

Wedding day

The family was up very early once again today (and since some of us didn't get to sleep, it was just an extended day for them!)

The car was ready to go overnight, decorated with flowers:

We were all ready to go by 0800:

My brother was nervous:

I think my mum was too:

At the bride's house, we were met with a barricade:

My brother's 'hengtai' did a lot of cajoling, bargaining and jumping through hoops to gain access to the bride. Through it all, my brother sweated and smiled.
The girls whined a bit because it was very warm (and rather boring for them without a context) so Adrian, my brother's chief 'hengtai' turned the car on and ran the AC for them. In appreciation, they made silly faces:
Eventually, after several entertaining games involving bananas and bunny ears, my brother and his posse got through the first hurdle (yes, there's more!)
There were games after that and challenges that the 'hengtai' had to do,  like drinking nasty stuff out of baby bottles sticking out of bras (too busy keeping kiddoes entertained to grab pictures).
Really, the morning was a blur:

Even Adrian crashed as soon as the morning's challenges were done and the bride was whisked back to my brother's house:

Here's another picture of the pretty flowers on the car:

After another busy lunch, we were dropped off at the hotel to check into our rooms and then we took the kids to the pool to swim.
We got kicked out after 30  minutes. Did you know that in Asia, they don't allow folks to swim in the pool if it's raining? How silly! It was the best time to swim.
The older girls cuddled up on the bed to be vidiots:
While the younger two clustered around a bag of goldfish like little mice:
Girl-chick and Tater were the flower girls but I don't have pictures of those yet.

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