Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Project 52: First Spring Ride

I have decided to participate in Project 52 at Simply Modern Mom. The objective is to take a clean, unedited photograph of my kiddoes, a glimpse into my motherhood. I have a lot of snaps to share and no, this will not be turning into a photo blog but so many of you (hi mom!) always ask for new pictures and yes, I do snap a lot of them (as does Da Man with his BlackBerry but he has yet to get those uploaded onto a shared drive. Oh wait, we are still saving up for that triple mirrored NAS that he wants!) Yes, I have three days a week with just photos and yes, I do have some other stuff craft-wise to show you but I haven't settled on anything yet; I did set up a quasi-schedule, more for me to follow and have something to write about, and this is just a reflection of my flighty, indecisive nature :).

Like a blogger friend of mine said once, "This is my blog and I can do whatever I want." :)

Spring is coming along grudgingly in our part of the world. It melted quite a fair bit last week, with temperatures above zero for most of it. Yesterday, it snowed another 10 cm and much to their joy, it was the heavy, wet stuff our children dream about (as opposed to the light, fluffy, easy-to-shovel stuff we parents beg for with every snowfall). This marks the progression in our calendars too as the "snowman snow" is the harbinger of springtime warmth on the Canadian Shield.

We dusted off last summer's bikes and trikes for a spin around the schoolyard - looks like new bikes are on the horizon as the kiddoes have both sprouted some over the winter.

Project 52: Glimpse Into Motherhood

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